
It was past two p.m. by the time that Zhang Fan arrived in Kuake City. "What happened?" Zhang Fan asked Chen Qifa who was obviously rather frustrated. Chen Qifa's wife also looked quite worried.

"Teacher Zhang, you're here! I reported Superintendent Zou to the authorities, but the government returned my whistleblower letter to the hospital! I then had a big argument with Superintendent Zou," Chen Qifa said rather dejectedly with his head held low.

"What exactly happened?" Zhang Fan asked with some confusion.

"Superintendent Zou keeps selling patients off to other hospitals. Yesterday, a collarbone fracture patient arrived. We could have performed surgery for the patient. However, Superintendent Zou sent both anesthesiologists out on study programs, so we had no anesthesiologists, and couldn't perform surgery. The patient then left. I was so angry that I reported Superintendent Zou."