Humble Superintendent Ouyang

"No need to cry! Your dad can take care of everything. Look at you, even your eyes are swollen. You're not hurt anywhere, are you?" Lu Renjia's father hugged his daughter, feeling bad for her. His daughter had stopped relying on him ever since high school. She was quite the independent type, but today she had been so scared! Lu Renjia's father really felt such pain in his heart from this.

"I just finished going to the bathroom and was washing my hands when a hoodlum tried to molest me. Zhu Bing knocked him down and told me to immediately go back to the private karaoke room. When I came back out again, he was already lying in his own blood! Waaah! Waaah! Waaah!" Lu Renjia was finally able to talk about the sadness in her heart, although she had nobody to talk to about her regret!

Inside the operating room, cardiothoracic Director Liu asked, "Doctor Zhang, will you be the primary surgeon, or shall I?"