Getting Something With Nothing (2)

"Yes, master!"

"Guan Shuqing nodded her head. After which, she walked over and said, "Thank you, Martial Senior brothers, for your gifts."

"Hehe, you are welcome. We will be one family in the future. If there's anything we can help you with, feel free to let us know!"

Several ninety-plus-year-old elders replied with smiles.

Although they were old, they were in the pink of health. This might be because they were all Inborn experts.

"Junior Sister, this is a defective Flame Ball. It's a shame that I can't find a complete one. I have been using it for more than ten years and have little use for it now. I'd like to give this to Junior Sister as something you can use to protect yourself!"

"Junior Sister, this is the highest level elixir pill I can refine right now. It's a Level 3 elixir pill and highly nourishing for a girl's skin!"