1088 was guarding a city by himself

He was defending a city by himself!

He was facing an army by himself!

The descent of the wood world and the spirit enchantment had always been Wang Xian’s most powerful combination of abilities.

Now, with the addition of the lightning strike wood in his hands,.

The Lightning Strike Wood was at the void interpretation level. The attack of the wood attribute was imbued with the lightning attribute.

This time, the thousands of trees that descended from the wood world were emitting a faint lightning glow.

Possessing spirits could give them intelligence. Even if their intelligence was not high, under the guidance of Wang Xian, they could double the power of the descent of the wood world.

In front of the north gate, after the arrival of the thousands of trees that looked like tree demons, everyone had shocked expressions on their faces.

The trees waved their densely packed branches and attacked the blood shadow walkers.
