1792 ignited the birth of the god of Fire 5

God was high and mighty. Those who did not enter the realm of God would eventually become ants!

Those who did not enter the realm of God would forever be trapped in a world.

Once one stepped into the mirror of God, he would be able to roam the starry sky and enter the domains of other planets!

Although Wang Xian had not reached the realm of true God, his strength was comparable to a true God who ignited a wisp of divine fire.

After reaching the level of a true God, the strength of a true God would not be divided by one or two levels. Instead, it would be divided by the number of divine fires!

The divine palace represented the source of the strength while the divine fire represented the medium to ignite the strength for one’s own use!

The strength of a true God and the number of divine fires ignited were related to the quality of the divine palace!