2728 imperial court’s protection



Within the imperial court’s main hall, Sect Master Tian Ya and the three elders flew over. Seeing the forefather’s gloomy expression, they were slightly shocked and quickly shouted.

“Your Wu Zu has failed. He was attacked by three Pinnacle Undying King warriors of the Dragon Palace. Someone from the imperial court saw it and attacked. Our Tian Ya sect has broken the rules.”

World Margin Sect Master Feng Yaazi said with a dark face.

“What! Our ancestor actually failed!”

“Our ancestor was discovered by the imperial court warriors. What should we do now!”

Just as he said that, sect master world margin and the three elders asked with fear.

“I’ll go find Protector Emperor. You guys take charge of this matter. Gather all the disciples. Be careful that the Dragon King will send people to Attack!”

Patriarch Horizon immediately ordered.

“It’s Patriarch!”

Sect Master Horizon and the others nodded.
