My Dear Little Brother, Big Sis Is Here to See You

Glancing briefly at Yue Tingfeng, Yan Qingsi remarked, "Since you're pretty interested about today, Mr. Yue, I might as well let you in on another mutual secret!"

She may not be able to kill him but the least she could do was prevent him from threatening her all the time.

Considering the fact that he already knew one secret, then she might as well let him in on another one, therefore altering his status from a witness to an accomplice.

Yan Qingsi always lived by one rule, that is, if she had to suffer, then the other party must not have it easy too.

Yue Tingfeng showed such an interest that it only seemed right for her to drag him down with herself.

He cocked a brow and replied, "Sure!"

Deep in his heart, he felt a tiny thrill. It was an indescribable feeling, similar to the exhilaration he felt when committing misdeeds during his student days.

Off to the hospital, he drove.