The Pressure Is Killing Me

Qu Jing shook his head. "Our CEO Yue has been like this for a few days now. The pressure is killing me."

Yue Tingfeng rocked the wine glass in his hand, saying lazily, "If you don't want the pressure to kill you, then perhaps you'd be better off joining Wu Fang."

Upon hearing that, Qu Jing waved his hands immediately and declined. "No, no…I'm good. I still have a lot of energy; I have no problem working overtime the entire night."

Joining Wu Fang in the highlands was the last thing on Qu Jing's mind. He saw Wu Fang's picture a few days ago, and the man's face had already changed beyond recognition. Qu Jing was shocked by Wu Fang's hobo-like appearance.

Helan Fangnian chuckled, and the corners of his eyes revealed a spellbinding charm when he laughed. He had a handsome and aloof expression, but it changed instantly into one that made others feel shy and nervous.

Most of the women in that private room could not help but look over to him.