Why? Do You Miss Me?

Yan Qingsi smiled.

She did not expect Yue Tingfeng to make such a move.

Her ego was soothed.

To think that the young master of the Yue family would step in for her.

The edges of her mouth twitched. It seemed like her chances of getting Yue Tingfeng had jumped by a significant amount.

Yan Qingsi stared at Yue Tingfeng's number on her phone.

Should she call? Was Jin Xuechu worth her disturbing Yue Tingfeng?

If she called Yue Tingfeng now, she would be going against her own advice. What she would say did not matter, what mattered was the fact that she caved and called first.

Ten minutes later, she decided to delay her trip to Jing City by a day. She phoned for Jin Xuechu.

"Xue God, do you have time today?"

"Why? Want a date with me?" Jin Xuechu's mouth was despicable as always.

His voice was relaxed and did not indicate that he was in a tight spot.

"Yeah, so are you free?" Yan Qingsi raised an eyebrow.