Yue Tingfeng. Do You Feel Good?

Yue Tingfeng carried Yan Qingsi into the car and left. As the car drove off, two police cars approached the scene from the opposite direction. Yue Tingfeng pouted. 

Yue Tingfeng caressed Yan Qingsi's face. "Did you see it? I came to your rescue faster than the cops. How would you like to thank me?"

Yan Qingsi was drugged. She just laid there—absolutely still. Yue Tingfeng thought that it was interesting to see Yan Qingsi like this, totally opposite to how she normally behaved. He was toying with the idea of touching her since she was unconscious. 

That was what he did and proceeded with touching her more. 

Yan Qingsi opened her eyes. Pitched black. She clutched her head as the head-splitting pain drew a groan from her. 

At the very next second, Yan Qingsi came in contact with a warm body. She was startled. Memories of events before she has passed out came back to her at once.