Yan Qingsi, I Fancy You, So What Now?

The door closed. At that exact moment, the passion in the room seemed to cool off and die instantly. The change was as though one had crossed into the frigid wastes of the South Pole from the heat and humidity of the Equator in an instant. 

The way things had developed was dramatic as usual, more than one could expect. Having desired something so much and exhausting every means to acquire it only to lose it all at the cusp of success. 

No, that would be incorrect. He had never acquired this woman called Yan Qingsi. Even this current dilemma was not of his making but invited upon him by someone else. 

Yue Tingfeng thought he would be so very angry, but… he was not. Instead, he laughed. He laughed at himself for being his mother's son. Naivety was hereditary, it seemed.