Did He Mean To Bury Me With Money?

Jiang Lai looked at Jin Xuechu, then at the safety helmet in the car. After a moment of hesitation, he decided not to put it on. Gathering all his courage, he walked over to meet with Jin Xuechu.

He then proceeded to read out his well-rehearsed script, "Mr. Jin, I am CEO Yue's assistant, the CEO has accidentally knocked into your car and hence has sent me as a representative to express his deepest apologies."

Jiang Lai then lowered his head and gave Jin Xuechu a gracious bow. 'No need to say anything else, just butter him up first,' he thought.

Jin Xuechu chuckled. "We'll come to the apologies later. Can you tell me what is inside all these trucks?"

"These are all… Uhm… money to pay for the damages," Jiang Lai said, almost apologetically.

"Money for the damages?" Jin Xuechu chided, "Did Mr. Yue asked you to plunder the reserves of every bank in the market?"