Don’t Need To Hurry, Your Big Brother Will Take You Up

It was already dusk when Yan Qingsi hung up the call. She was exhausted and drained but she could not bring herself to fall asleep.

This room was all so foreign to her. It was no longer the tiny confined space she once had when she first returned to her country. She felt extremely out of place as this very room did not make her feel at home.

Her mind was completely occupied with her problems with Yan Songnan. She knew that this man was no fool. Even if he made his move on Ye Lingzhi, he would have contingencies on top of contingencies to ensure his survival.

On a much deeper scale, she knew exactly how complicated this whole situation would eventually turn out to be. In order to gain some sort of leverage against him, she would need to bait him with fifty million. However, in doing so, Yan Songnan would have the same leverage against her. This had turned out to be quite a handful for her.

Yan Qingsi closed her eyes…