Don’t Worry About His Money

Yan Qingsi's face was still slightly warm. She asked, "Auntie, is there anything I can help with?"

Mrs. Yue did not hold back. "Go skin those potatoes."

She treated Yan Qingsi very naturally—she did not hold back—which made Yan Qingsi feel as though she was part of the family.

"Oh no, I forgot. You actresses have to take good care of your hands. You should put on some gloves."

"There's no need. Wearing gloves makes skinning potatoes very difficult."

Mrs. Yue was surprised to see Yan Qingsi skinning the potatoes quickly and efficiently. "You're unexpectedly proficient at this, aren't you?"

Yan Qingsi smiled. "Back when I was overseas, I've worked in a Chinese restaurant."