I like Her Evil

Ye Lingzhi's body twitched from the pain. She tried to get up but her arms and knees hurt too bad for her to do so. 

She shouted, "Vile woman, go away…"

Yan Qingsi clicked her tongue and sighed. "It's so hard for you and I to meet up, why would I go away this soon? Of course we have to have a chat, don't you think so, aunty?"

"You dropped your glasses." A voice could be heard from the top of her head. That cold voice felt as if someone put ice on your back and you could feel the cold air attacking you. It was not a pleasant kind of cold, it was the opposite!

It was as if the ice was stuck on your skin—it felt cold to the core. 

Yan Qingsi saw a pair of legs that appeared one feet away from herself; it was a pair of black leather shoes coupled with straight, long legs. Yan Qingsi only thought of one thing—this person was tall and skinny. She finally looked up at that face against the light and her heart stopped.