I Can’t Stand Your Stench

Mrs. Yue was someone who pointed out all your faults when she hated on you.

If her mind was changed, however, she would regard you as a wonderful person in every aspect. She had a protective instinct, and after recognizing Yan Qingsi as her own, she would never let anyone bully the girl. Still lacking was Mrs. Yue's patience when she heard others insult and curse at Yan Qingsi time and again.

Mrs. Yue carried her bag, held her head high, and walked away proudly.

Helan Xiuse's heart suffered a massive shock and she muttered, "Auntie Yue…"

Mrs. Yue stopped and turned around. "Oh, one more thing. Don't bring up our friendship anymore. If you ever return to Su City in the future, don't visit my home. I can't stand your stench. It stinks to high heaven."

Mrs. Yue had walked into the distance, leaving Mrs. Helan pale-faced.