Hey, I’ve Never Met a Woman as Shameless as You

Yan Songnan gritted his teeth. Yan Qingsi was unwilling to give him any assurances. 

She could be bluffing but he had no choice. The initiative was entirely in Yan Qingsi's hands this time. Whether or not to agree to cooperate was a massive gamble. 

Finally, Yan Qingsi spoke neutrally, "You don't need to rush into agreeing. I'll give you time to think it through. As for how long you'll need to think is up to you. As long as you're alive, I don't really mind." 

Yan Songnan watched as Yan Qingsi walked away, and he wanted to call out to stop her but he stopped himself and thought he should wait a bit more. He could not agree to it so hastily and needed to go back and really think it through to see if he could use Yan Qingsi's identity to his advantage. 

When the time came he would threaten her into helping him.