How Shameless Can This Woman Be?

Mrs. Li gnashed her teeth, took off the ring on her finger and tossed it to Yan Qingsi. A yellow gem was set in the ring, and, despite the gem's low grade, it was enough to pay off her debt. 

In a similar manner, Mrs. Zhou got angry and took off her ring, throwing it at Yan Qingsi. Ji Mianmian gleefully collected them.

They chose not to swipe their cards because they were the wives of rich men. It would be embarrassing if anyone found out that they had lost so badly at mahjong that they had to swipe their cards.

After collecting her debt, Yan Qingsi said, "Come on, let's continue!"

Mrs. Helan rubbed her aching wrists and said, "We've lost all our money and it's quite late; we should be going."

Yan Qingsi cocked her chin as if she were a gangster. "What do you mean you 'should be going', huh? What do you mean you 'should be going'?"