Just Make Sure You Both Don't Gang Up On Me In The Future

Yan Qingsi thought of Mrs. Yue. All her facial masks and skincare products are prepared for her by Mrs. Yue.

After all these years, Mrs. Yue was the first one to care for her so meticulously.

Yan Qingsi could not help having flashbacks of her childhood.

In days of hot weather, her mother always urged her not to spend too much time outdoors to avoid heat stroke.

Yan Qingsi felt a lump in her throat. She wanted to say something, opened her mouth, but nothing came forth.

Yue Tingfeng laughed: "I can't stop her. She's already your hardcore fan. Your status in her heart right now is very high. She was bored of shopping and mahjong, but when I mentioned visiting you, she was trembling with excitement and just ignored me outright. Don't worry, my mother is healthy and well. She just misses you and wants to see you. She'll come back after a few days."