Yes, It Was Fun to Be Thrown Over

Ye Shaoguang said coldly, "Yes… it was fun."

You Xi said flirtatiously, "Where did you go, call me next time."


Next time I'll let her throw you over her shoulder and break your jaw.

Yan Qingsi and Mrs. Yue avoided the hotel's CCTV and went back to their room.

The room lit up after the access card was inserted. 

Mrs. Yue stretched before seeing the person who was sitting on the bed. She screamed and hugged Yan Qingsi. 

"What happened?" Yan Qingsi turned around to find the man on the bed with a dark expression looking at them. 

Mrs. Yue was not the only one who was afraid this time, Yan Qingsi shivered as well. 

Yan Qingsi laughed and gulped. She asked, "It's late… you, why aren't you asleep?"

Yue Tingfeng said with a cold face, "Yes, I wanted to ask, what were you both doing being up this late? Last time, you both went to play poker for the entire night, what about this time? Tell me, let me hear it."