You Want Sex? Sure, I’ll Oblige

Ji Mianmian pulled open Ye Shaoguang's clothes. "What else? Did you think I'm playing house with you?"

Ye Shaoguang felt that either the world have went wrong, he was losing touch with the latest trend, or everyone in this world went nuts.

Know? What to know? What should he know?

Sleep? What sleep? Should they sleep together?

Blood was rushing to Ye Shaoguang's face. He grabbed onto Ji Mianmian's hand that was pulling apart his clothes. "Ji Mianmian, do you know what 'sleeping' means?"

Ji Mianmian's face was like an apple, appearing younger than her actual age. Her eyes and face were round, looking like an underage high schooler. Paired with her current rough actions, it made people feel like the world turned upside down.

Ji Mianmian blinked. "Nonsense, of course I know. We're all adults here. Isn't it normal to play some adult games?"