You Definitely Cannot Marry This Sc*mbag

"Mom, how could you make fun of your own son like that? Do you enjoy it that much?" Yue Tingfeng chuckled bitterly.

 Mrs. Yue nodded her head. "Of course I enjoy it! I can only be like this to you now. You won't be so nice to me once I'm all better."

 Yue Tingfeng sat down, settling himself into a posture that looked like he was about to have a heart-to-heart with Mrs. Yue.

 "Mrs. Yue, can you not say such blatant lies? How do you find such a filial son like me anywhere? Don't I treat you nicely enough on a normal basis? I always close an eye whenever you lose your gambling bouts. If I were another son with such a failed gambler of a mother, I would have long chased you out."