I’ll Bite You to Death, You Liar!

Ye Shaoguang hung up after he finished saying everything. Instead of leaving, he remained there.

He switched off the car lights, leaned against the door, and took out a cigarette.

 A dead body lies beneath his feet, while the car reeked of alcohol due to Ji Mianmian.

Disgusted and irked, he controlled his impulses and refrained from throwing Ji Mianmian out of the car. 

Leaning on the car door, he leisurely breathed out puffs of smoke.

Ye Shaoguang was the kind of person who could give himself an honorable justification for killing someone.

He had yet to finish smoking one cigarette when the cops arrived. A few cars were present, all without sirens, and the Criminal Investigation Bureau's sergeant personally came with his team. 

Ye Shaoguang pointed them to the right direction and they rushed in to bust the human trafficking lair.

Two captive girls and a baby were saved.