I Don't Know Her Name, I Don't Know Anything About Her

The hand she was holding the paper with was trembling, but her face seemed as calm as a puddle of water. 

The sketch was highly detailed — every strand of hair was drawn out, and even the not-so-obvious mole under the left eye was drawn on the face. 

It was evident that the person who drew this was super attentive — he remembered every single detail about this face, he remembered all of her. 

He injected all of his energy and will into drawing this sketch. 

Yue Tingfeng saw the person on the sketch as well. He squinted his eyes and glanced at You Yi. 

The person on the sketch and Yan Qingsi looked 90 percent alike — they were not exactly twins. That gaze and the smile on her lips were completely different from Yan Qingsi's. 

Yue Tingfeng knew it was not Yan Qingsi with one look. 

Instead of saying it was Yan Qingsi's doppelganger, why not say… that… that's… his mother-in-law!