I Will Not Let Anything Happen to You

You Yi's voice was low yet harsh. It was as though he was screaming with all his might in those words, inducing anxiety in those who heard the suppressed emotions in his voice.

 Yan Qingsi stopped because of those words. She turned around to look directly into You Yi's eyes. She finally saw the chaos and madness that hid behind those eyes.

 Yan Qingsi suddenly smiled. It had been five days. You Yi was probably at his limit.

 Her lips quirked at the corners. "You should know this," she said with a provocative grin, her stare as cold as ice, "Why are you asking me?"

 You Yi's bloodshot eyes looked as though they could swallow Yan Qingsi whole. "I'm letting you tell me yourself," he grounded the words out. "Where is she?"