I Would Strangle Him and Save Face

"I could have strangled him right there and then, the day your son spoke those stupid words. I have nothing to do with his death wish. Besides, if it were my son who did something as shameless as that… Hmph…" You Yi harrumphed coldly. "The police aren't even needed—I would strangle him straightaway. At least I'd save my entire family from losing face."

 Yan Qingsi gulped. You Yi's words were absolutely venomous.

 If this old man Ye could still manage to control himself after that, he practically was not human. He was probably a sage!

 Ye Jiangong could not hold it in any longer. "Watch your words, You Yi," he snapped. "This is Luo City…"

 You Yi suddenly smiled. "You are right that this is Luo City. And that's why your son is still alive!"

 Ye Jiangong froze immediately.

 You Yi had meant that his son would have died long ago if he was in Hai City.