The Tables Have Turned on the B*stard!

Yue Pengcheng nearly wanted to spew blood. He preferred to have no son at all rather than having this prodigal b*stard.

 "Yue Tingfeng, you're trying to kill your father. You will be punished. Retribution will come for you—you'll die sooner or later!"

 Yue Tingfeng shook his head. "Why so? I don't have a great relationship with my father, I admit. He did abandon me and my mother for thirty years, after all. I can't be nice to him even if I wanted to. But he is my father. Even if he's dead, I can't allow some random stranger to take his place, claiming that he's my father."

 Yue Tingfeng paused. "This is your last chance," he said after a while, looking at Yue Pengcheng, "If you continue to keep up with this act, then I'll… dig up the entire truth."

 "Sure, sure… How did I have such a b*stard for a son, capable of turning against his own father? Sure then. Let's see who can find out the truth. Soon, I'll see if you can afford to smile."