Stay Away From That Lady

You Xi pouted. "Mom, am I really that kind of person in your eyes? A fox preys farthest from his hole, alright? Don't always judge your son that way."

Mrs. You replied sincerely and earnestly, "I won't judge you if you work hard for success. You should really start cutting all ties with those indecent women. You aren't young anymore. It's time for you to focus your attention on serious matters instead of fooling around."

You Xi rolled his eyes in response. "Mom, whatever I was doing previously are serious matters."

"Constantly fooling around with a bunch of indecent celebrities is considered a serious matter?"

You Xi replied impatiently, "Mom, it's an era for national entertainment now. What's wrong with me investing in a media company for filmmaking? Do I really have to work in the same profession as you guys? I love my profession and didn't I earn money with this job too?"

"Who were you talking to on the phone just now?"

"Just a friend."