This Girl Really Made His Heart Ache

Xia Anlan had seen way too many young, refined ladies who came from wealthy, affluent families. They always acted very demurely, eating as little as possible, as if eating one more mouthful would ruin their image. None of them were like Yan Qingsi, who dared to gobble down her food without concern in front of him. It was just as she said—she was not picky. It was all good so long as she could fill her stomach. 

She practically inhaled her food when she ate. No matter what kind of food was it, the way she ate, made the food look extra delicious.

Yan Qingsi felt that something was wrong after eating for a while. She lifted her head and saw Xia Anlan staring straight at her. Discomfort crawled over her body with that stare. She swallowed her food. "Why…aren't you eating?" she asked.