You Xi = Cousin Brother? She Sneered

Yan Qingsi suddenly felt embarrassed. ' eat or...not to eat?'

She licked the corner of her mouth. 'This meat actually looks very delicious!'

Mrs. You's face flashed an embarrassed look. "Your uncle is right. I didn't carefully consider your condition, have some of these gentle dishes. This steamed perch is good too."

Mrs. You quickly took the piece of braised pork and placed it on an empty plate beside.

Yan Qingsi smiled, "Thank you, you don't have to take care of me. I can eat by myself."

Mrs. You's courtesy of treating her like a guest, made her feel a little awkward.

Although she was also a guest in the Su family and there were many Su family members present, having Mrs. Yue and Yue Tingfeng around, helped. The fact that Su family members did not treat her with such courtesy, made her feel more at ease.