Tell her that I'm looking forward to meeting her!

If it was something else, Yan qingsi would not have let go of this opportunity to become famous. However, nothing was more precious than finding her family.

Yan qingsi was about to head upstairs when she received a call from Yue tingfeng.

After a while, Yue tingfeng told her,""My mom secretly came to Rong city and didn't let me tell you."

"Huh?" Yan qingsi was shocked."Why ..."

In the end, she heard Mrs. Yue scolding over the phone,""You brat, I told you not to tell qingsi, yet you still said ..."

"She's my wife, how can I not tell her?"

Yan qingsi could not help but laugh. After a while, the phone fell into Mrs. Yue's hands. She complained to Yan qingsi,""Qingsi, I sneaked here to check on the enemy. It's all because of your uncle. You have no idea how scared I've been these few days ... I didn't get a good night's sleep."

"Auntie, don't worry, don't be afraid ... My uncle is a very good person. He's very handsome. He won't be calculative with you ..."