When the bitch faints, I'm happy

"You ..." Mrs. Yue's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

How can you agree? this doesn't match your Black-bellied, petty, and unreasonable character!

"That's great," the old lady laughed."I'll call your mother after dinner and tell her the good news."

"No..." Mrs. Yue clenched her teeth. No, this is fake! I don't want to marry your son!

Mrs. Yue kept giving Xia Anlan meaningful looks. 'Why don't you just say something to reject me? why are you saying that to me?'

The more the old lady looked at him, the more satisfied she became. She understood her own son. If he didn't want to care about anyone and still made things difficult for you, he would be dreaming. Just like how he treated Xia rushuang, he wouldn't even smile for decades.

The corners of Yan qingsi's lips curled up. She glanced at Mrs. You, who was behind her, only to hear a loud thud as Mrs. You fell to the ground.

Yan qingsi pretended to be surprised."Hey, why did Mrs. You faint?"