I'll let you get used to me and like me

After Xia Anlan finished speaking, he did not care about the other party's reaction and hung up the phone.

He knew Yan qingsi well. She had a bad temper and was a little stubborn, but she was never one to cause trouble.

If she had made a move, it must have been because the other party had done something to make her angry. That was why Xia Anlan did not care at all when the Zeng family came to complain.

Mrs. Yue had been listening intently just now, and after he hung up, she immediately asked,""Did some blind person bully my qingsi?"

Xia Anlan smiled and touched her face.""I don't think so. It sounds like qingsi has taken care of the granddaughter of the Zeng family."

"Who is it?"

"Zeng keren, you know mom?"