He had given her hope to live, so how could she trample on his love?

"I don't think she committed suicide. She might be stronger than we thought."

Yan qingsi lost her rationality at this moment. She pinched Yue tingfeng's arm and said,""But what if something happens? do I still want to live?"

Yue tingfeng felt a little pain from the pinch."Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. You have to believe her."

"But ye shaoguang is dead. How can I believe that Mianmian is unmoved? She'll be in trouble sooner or later if she continues like this. " If something had happened to her man, Yan qingsi did not even dare to think about it. She felt that she would have gone crazy.

Yue tingfeng hugged her tightly."Let's wait a little longer ..." He said,"I think she just wants to say goodbye to ye shaoguang."

Yue tingfeng's guess was actually right. Ji Mianmian just wanted to say goodbye to ye shaoguang.

She looked at the river below and said calmly,""I'm leaving ... I'm going back to Luo city. I'm here today to say goodbye to you. "