Watch this adulterous couple spread their dog food

But today, he was so handsome that she felt like crying. She suddenly seemed to see many love rivals running over.

Yan qingsi touched her stomach. 'Good, I'm pregnant!'

Baby, you've come at the right time.

Yue tingfeng wore a simple black suit and a white shirt. He did not have a tie or bow tie. The first two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, but the cuffs of his jacket and the buttons of his shirt were all made of metal and inlaid with sapphires. They were the same on the inside and on the outside. Those who knew their stuff would say,"this is f * cking rich!"

In the audience, the actors and directors who had worked with Yan qingsi before were well aware of this. They were all cursing,"damn it, this invisible dog food is choking me to death. I really want to expose this adulterous couple. What should I do?"

Forget it, I don't dare to expose it! Let's see what this adulterous couple will do!