He might be the most difficult person to deal with

Yan qingsi's heart skipped a beat. She felt a gust of cold wind coming from behind her. It seeped into her bones and made her shiver.

She turned her head abruptly, and the reporters behind her retreated one after another. No one dared to step forward again.

Yan qingsi identified each and every one of them, but she did not see the person who spoke.

Yes, he was not there.

Not a single one was him.

Yan qingsi's hands slowly clenched.

If it was night time, Yan qingsi would have thought that she had met a ghost.

However, it was definitely not a ghost in broad daylight.

Since it wasn't a ghost, it must be a person who was pretending to be one.

The reporters saw Yue tingfeng apologizing profusely and then quickly ran away.

Yue tingfeng quickly helped Yan qingsi into the car.

In the car, Yue tingfeng quickly checked on Yan qingsi.""How is it? Did you get squeezed just now?"