How could that old fox bear for her to come back?

Yue tingfeng was still at the police station. He raised his hand to silence the others and asked,""What's wrong, honey?"

"Hubby ... Mom ..." Yan qingsi asked,"is she okay?"

Yue tingfeng's heart tightened. He smiled and asked,""Why are you suddenly asking this? Mom, of course she's fine. I even called her this morning before you woke up. "

Yan qingsi heaved a sigh of relief when she heard that.""Really? I tried to call her just now, but she didn't pick up. "

"Don't worry," Yue tingfeng consoled her,"with uncle around, what could possibly happen? she's fine and told me that she really wants to come back, but you know uncle, that old fox. How could he bear to let her come back so early?"

Yan qingsi trusted Yue tingfeng the most. Since he had said so, the worry in her heart subsided a little.

"I'm just worried,"she said.

"You must be not used to mom's sudden departure. Don't worry, I'll be home in two days."

"Oh, okay ... Oh right, that ..."