He was willing to be defeated by the love she gave him

Murong Mian's kiss was so sincere that it felt like she was lying in the dust. The woman standing in front of him was his everything.

He had never been a benevolent person. He had always been selfish.

Why did he have to leave the woman he loved alone? why did he have to let go of her hand?

In the past, when Ji Mianmian did not like him, he would hold on to her tightly. Now that they finally fell in love, did his brain get crushed by someone? he actually wanted to let go.

No matter what happened in the future, he would never let go.

Just as Ji Mianmian had said, they had to be together no matter if they were Dead or Alive.

No one, nothing ... Could stop him.

Even if it was selfish, he would let it go this time.

Murong Mian's heart had been torn apart and torn apart, but she finally made up her mind.

He was willing to lose to Ji Mianmian, to the love she gave him.