Use your legs to pay for the money

The fear made all the hair on his body stand up, and the uneasiness in his heart reached a peak.

You Yi had received professional training. He was able to control his voice so that it did not sound like his real voice.

That was why Yan Songnan did not even think of him as you Yi.

"Big brother, spare me, spare me. I've never made any enemies in this County. Did you get the wrong person ..."

Yan Songnan was filled with regret. He should not have opened the window. He did not expect that it was not a ghost outside, but a person scarier than a ghost.

"I heard that you're quite rich," you Yi said coolly."I see."

Yan Songnan's first thought was that this person was most likely from the hotel. Otherwise, how would he know that he was rich? he had just arrived in the county.

"No, no... Big brother, I don't have any money ..." He quickly said.

"You don't have money?" You Yi increased the strength in his foot as he spoke.