Why don't you get rid of this kind of person as soon as possible?

People should have their own principles. As long as you don't think you did anything wrong, you don't need to apologize to anyone, no matter who it is. "

Qingsi pouted and felt a lump in her throat. She leaned on you Yi's shoulder. Her father was on her side. She was not wrong.

"Daddy, my legs hurt ..." She cried.

You Yixin's heart was twisted into a ball from her crying."Daddy will carry you and won't let you walk. It won't hurt in a while."

After waiting for a while, the principal rushed over. Teacher Sun also came over with a long face.

Teacher Wu, who had been in the office at that time, also came along.

When he saw the principal, you Yi did not wait for him to speak. He said directly,""Principal, please call Zhou Jiaying's parents over."

"But ..."

"Half an hour should be enough," you Yi said, not giving him any time to speak.

The principal met you Yi's eyes. He did not dare to say no."Okay, okay ..."