What she wanted was their second-hand goods

Ye Lingzhi was so angry that she turned back and forth. She said angrily,""Dad, how can I not be anxious? you see, the court is going to start soon. Once the court decides on the divorce, what will I be? How can this woman be so shameless?"

Ye Lingzhi had given nie qiuping the most vicious words, but she had forgotten that she was the most shameless mistress.

Father ye frowned and shook his head. He no longer had the ability to discipline his daughter.

Back then, if she had not been so insistently attracted to a poor, married boy who had nothing and no abilities, things would not have gotten to this stage. From the perspective of an outsider, he felt that it was normal for nie qiuping to bring up the topic of divorce, but ... This matter involved his daughter ... He could only do something that he felt guilty about.

"Call Yan Songnan first and ask him if he knows, then go find your uncle," father ye said.