She likes our boss?

She raised her voice and screamed,""What did I say? did I say anything? What do you mean I'm close to him? don't just talk nonsense all day long. "

Her voice was unusually sharp. She suddenly stood up, pushed her chair away, and ran out of the office.

The people in the office who were talking at once all stopped at this moment.

The big sister snorted,""Did you see that? she's so embarrassed that she flew into a rage. She used to think that her family had some backing and was so arrogant in the police station. She kept talking about chief you and her in front of me, as if he had his eyes on her. Pfft ... She got slapped in the face."

"Big sister Wang, she likes our boss ..." Wang Jichuan came over with a gossipy look on his face.

"What else did you think? I'm telling you, she ..."


You Yi went straight to the president's residence after leaving the Bureau to accept the president's direct appointment.