If you want to marry her, I'll have to die

Grandfather you's face was ashen. " You ... You ... What sin have we committed to have such an unfilial son like you? you married without saying a word, and you even married this woman. You've brought shame to the you family. "

" I know why you're so angry, " you Yi laughed coldly. " It's because I’m married. I didn’t tell you that you didn't force me to have my wife. My life is not for you to control. You feel that your authority has been challenged. That's all. "

His tone changed, and you Yi continued, " but I told you a long time ago that it's up to me to decide who I want to marry and what kind of life I want to live. It has nothing to do with you. You raised me, and I’m your parent. I respect you, but I won’t let you control everything about me. "

You Yi's words were firm. To her, he would either not get married, or he would be loyal to his wife once he did. He would never let her suffer.