Let me tell you what my wife's name is

But now, someone had told her that her things had been given away. How could Xia rushuang not be angry?

She put on her slippers and was about to stand up when she suddenly remembered something important.""That's not right. How did the old lady know that the old man had transferred his shares to his mistress?"

That old hag had been in the hospital for so many days, how could she know about this?

"It's ... It's second young master who said it,"the maid whispered.

"Second young master?" Xia rushuang was even more shocked. Second young master? 'Isn't that you Yi? How did he know?

"I saw second young master bringing a woman and a seven or eight-year-old girl back. I've been working for the you family for ten years and I've seen second young master a few times before."

Xia rushuang's eyes almost popped out. "He's back? He even brought a woman and a seven or eight-year-old child? Are you sure?"