Can you say that about your own husband?

"Sure," you Yi nodded.

"I wonder where you, your wife, and your daughter are staying. We'll arrange for a car to pick you up tomorrow,"

"No need to trouble yourself. Just tell me the address and we'll go there ourselves."

"That's ... Good ..."

The Secretary told you Yi the address and hung up the phone. She heaved a sigh of relief. Everything was finally settled.


You Yi put down his phone and sighed. He told nie qiuping,""Xia Anlan asked us out for lunch tomorrow afternoon."

"So fast?" she asked in surprise. I thought he was just saying it casually. "

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

Nie qiuping said worriedly,"when we meet him tomorrow, should we be careful?" I'm a little nervous when I think about how you said he's a very sinister person. "