We'll take care of mom and dad, of course

Xia Anlan turned his head and looked out of the window."That's right. He should know a lot about nie qiuping. Let's make an opening out of him first. Then, there's no need to interrogate nie qiuping. Do you want to see him?"

"Yes, of course. However, let me tell you in advance that ye jiangong is not an easy person to deal with. Back then, I went to his house and threatened him to kill his son if he did not tell me who ordered him to kill qiuling. I broke his son's arms and legs in front of him, but he refused to tell me."

"Don't worry, I'll make her open her mouth. Even if he's dead, I can make her open her mouth. "

Xia Anlan's words made you Yi raise his eyebrows. This brother-in-law's words were really domineering.

However, it made sense. Xia Anlan was a sinister person. He would definitely find a way to deal with ye jiangong. You Yi was not worried about that.