I believe she will

He put on his coat and prepared to leave.

"I hope I can still eat your cooking tonight," he said before he left.

Su ningmei originally thought she could finally breathe a sigh of relief, but when she heard this, she suddenly felt the muscles on her face stiffen, and the smile on her face almost turned into a Twitch.

Nie qiuping felt that there was definitely a chance between the two of them, so she quickly said,""Sure. I even told sister Mei not to leave with tingfeng tonight and to stay at our house. Brother, what do you want to eat? maybe sister Mei will be happy and make it for you."

"I believe she will," Xia Anlan smiled.

Su ningmei's mouth twitched. Who would help you cook? you can dream on.

However, she was too embarrassed to say this in front of the two elders of the Xia family.

She could only smile perfunctorily and hope that Xia Anlan would leave quickly. She was afraid that she would not be able to control herself and fly into a rage.