There is no way to live, but I do not dare to die.

"If you're so uncooperative, then we're very sorry," the police sighed.

So for the next day, they repeated the previous night's round of interrogation without a moment of rest. The only merciful thing this time was that he was given a sip of water halfway.

However, the water was so cold that when it entered his mouth, it stimulated his infected tooth. Yue Pengcheng's body convulsed in pain as if he was having epilepsy.

Yue Pengcheng felt like he was on the verge of death from the torture. He did not know how much time had passed, but in the end, his consciousness seemed to have left him. He kept repeating mechanically,""I'm not ... A spy, I'm not a spy ..."

Yue Pengcheng knew that even if it was the local police, they would not be able to hold him for more than 72 hours without any concrete evidence.

He just needed to get through these three days.