I am your stepfather, so of course I have to care about you.

Xia Anlan did not say all this to please Yue tingfeng. He just realized that this child had been living in denial all this time. He lacked the encouragement and affirmation of others.

In fact, he was very good. It was just that no one was willing to discover his good.

Even if they found out, they wouldn't think about it on a deeper level. Just like today, he hit the man with an ashtray. In the eyes of the teachers and outsiders, they would probably still think that he had a violent temper and was too unreasonable. He couldn't take any stimulation and would hit people whenever something went wrong. He was really a problem student and gave people a headache.

However, no one was willing to think about why Yue tingfeng was like this.

Because only by becoming like this could he feel that he could arm himself more powerful.

Because he was the only man in the family, he had to protect his mother!

To a child, this was perhaps the only thing he could think of and do.