I will not forgive you for mistreating my sister.

Elder SU's brows were almost crooked.""Meimei, listen to what this guy is saying. Does he mean that he's blaming me? He was the one who beat him up because he hated me, so he deliberately Tattletale me, and he's still in the right!"

Su ningmei chuckled and tried to smooth things over."Big brother, don't worry. Mom ... Did she mean for you to go back just now?"

The mention of this made the eldest son of the SU family even angrier. He did not know what kind of drug Xia Anlan had fed his mother to make her so protective of him!

"That's right," the SU family's eldest son said viciously,"my mother-in-law told me not to stay here for even a second. She told me to go home after this meal and not ruin someone's good time."